Diet & Nutrition
Contest Prep & Posing GurusThe question we get asked the most is “can I do it on my own?”
The answer is 100% yes! However, this sport is always changing and what judges are looking for seems to change year to year. There have been countless shows where there are standout competitors that probably could have won if they were a little dryer or their posing was more polished. Then there are those shows where the seemingly obvious winner did not win. There is ALWAYS to toss up justifying the cost of preparing for a competition…BUT, by having a knowledgeable coach/team you will avoid a lot of the silly mistakes, errors and frustration that someone who has been there several hundred times with various clients over the span of 20 plus years will not make.
Due to the time and effort invested into a single competition, these little mistakes usually mean the difference of being noticed and placing vs. learning a hard, frustrating lesson through trial and error. The problem is…there is such a long life cycle between competitions that errors are very costly, due to the time invested to get on stage for 3 minutes. You only have seconds to make an impression or to be considered in the placing conversation. Your competition diet is one of the most important aspects of the transformation process. Both the most difficult and under rated portion of the journey. Knowledge and experience is the key factor that separates coaches who have a “one size fits all” and a team that knows how to get you and your particular situation, in the best shape if your life. With a combined knowledge of more than 60 years of competing and training competitors…you will be in capable hands!
What you get is the peace of mind knowing that you will be prepared and that you have a knowledgeable contest prep team behind you, giving you correct advice and a road map for success.
Our diets are monitored by weekly check-ins, consultations, progress pictures, and body fat measurements to ensure that you are on target for your approaching contest or event. We provide you with a changing comprehensive list of what you should eat, quantities you should eat and our recommendations of vitamins, supplements and water intake. Schedule a consultation today and give us 60 minutes to show you why we are the number one choice for your competition prep!
Get Contest Ready!
Let us assist you with your contest prep & posing. We have a team of experienced fitness and contest prep gurus ready to help you make your goals come true.
Call or email us now!
*10 week minimum for posing